$700 - 4 people - 6 Hours
$900 - 4 people - 8 Hours
($100 per additional person, up to 6 people)

Captain Andrew
48-58 Mexico Point Dr
Mexico, NY 13114
41 Lake Street
Oswego, NY 13126
Looking for a Lake Ontario Fishing Charter? - Oswego, NY
Lake Ontario is a sportfishing giant and offers outstanding fishing six months out of the year! We fish and charter out of Oswego, NY on the Southeastern Basin of Lake Ontario. Our Lake Ontario fishing charter season starts in April and runs until mid-September. We offer 6-hour AM or PM Lake Ontario fishing charters as well as 8-hour full-day Lake Ontario fishing charters for Salmon, Steelhead, Brown Trout, and Lake Trout. The port of Oswego is considered one of the best ports to fish for Spring Brown Trout and Summer King Salmon on Lake Ontario and is located a short distance from Pulaski, NY. The benefit of Lake Ontario fishing charters out of Oswego is that it is a short boat ride to our fishing grounds for Brown Trout and King Salmon. On our Lake Ontario fishing charters, we will be targeting these fish by trolling on our 31' Tiara Open rigged with all of the latest fishing equipment. All tackle and fishing gear is provided. Come join us on a Lake Ontario fishing charter out of Oswego this season!
Our Lake Ontario Fishing Charter Boat - 31' Tiara Open
Spring Brown Trout Lake Ontario Fishing Charters - Oswego, NY
During April and May, the Brown Trout fishing on the Eastern Basin of Lake Ontario can often be described as "bonkers". During this time of the year, the Brown Trout are cruising the shallow shores of Lake Ontario chasing baitfish. This creates spectacular fishing for our Lake Ontario fishing charters targeting Brown Trout on Lake Ontario. On our Lake Ontario fishing charters for Brown Trout, we troll a large 9 or 11-rod spread, giving us plenty of opportunities to double or triple up! The Brown Trout you will catch on your Lake Ontario fishing charters will average 2-8 pounds with many pushing 10 pounds. They fight great and are an absolute blast on light tackle. This is our favorite time of the year to run fishing charters on Lake Ontario!! Due to the short season, we do book our Brown Trout fishing charters on Lake Ontario well in advance so it is important to reach out as soon as possible if you are interested. The limit for Brown Trout on Lake Ontario fishing charters is 3 fish per person! They make fantastic table fare! Lake Trout and the occasional Steelhead or Salmon are caught while trolling for Brown Trout on our Lake Ontario fishing charters.

King Salmon Lake Ontario Fishing Charters - Pulaski, NY
King Salmon is the crowned jewel of Lake Ontario and is what we specialize in. Our Lake Ontario fishing charters for King Salmon on Lake Ontario start as soon as they show up. This varies year to year, but the bulk of our Salmon fishing starts in mid-June and runs through mid-September. The Salmon work their way from the Niagara Bar on the Western basin of Lake Ontario back towards the Eastern basin as they prepare for the fall spawn. King Salmon are the prized possessions of Lake Ontario and are easily the hardest-fighting fish in the lake. On our Lake Ontario Salmon fishing charters, it is not uncommon for a King Salmon to burn 100 yards of line off the reel in the opposite direction. These fish challenge us every day as they move from one location to the next very quickly. With our knowledge and experience, we do our best to stay on top of these tricky fish so that you have the best opportunities possible for catching a trophy Salmon. The benefit of going on a Lake Ontario fishing charter out of Oswego, NY is that we are located very close to deep water where King Salmon spend their summers hunting and feeding on baitfish. The Salmon River is the ending point of the migration for the Salmon and they will all pass by our front door! This allows more shots at big mature staging King Salmon! Our Lake Ontario Salmon fishing charters end the third week of September as we transition to the Salmon River. The limit for King/Coho Salmon on Lake Ontario fishing charters is 3 fish per person. On our Lake Ontario Salmon fishing charters, Steelhead and Lake Trout are often targeted to add variety to our catch for the day!
During July, and August we run a lot of flasher/fly and meat rigs on our Lake Ontario fishing charters. The Salmon in Lake Ontario are aggressive and feed heavily before they spawn. Spoons also have their place in our spread when we target Salmon in the upper portion of the water column on our Lake Ontario fishing charters. Come September, on our Lake Ontario fishing charters, it is mostly a flasher/fly game with a mix of J-Plugs and spoons producing. Come out on a Lake Ontario fishing charter with us and see what it is all about!

It is not uncommon for the lake to be too rough to fish. The strong winds can bring rough seas that make for dangerous scenarios. In the case that the lake is unfishable the day of your trip, we will work with you to reschedule a date as soon as possible or whenever is most convenient for you. We appreciate your cooperation!
If the weather is unfishable on Lake Ontario, but you would still like to fish, click here to check out our Cayuga Lake Fishing Charters!
Book with a Trusted Lake Ontario Fishing Charter
Lake Ontario fishing charters fill up quickly! Reserve your date with a trusted Lake Ontario fishing charter for Spring/Summer by filling out the form on the CONTACT PAGE or the form below. Call (518) 791-8048 to speak to your captain. Click HERE to learn more about Capt Andy.