For the first time in two months, my home water here in the Adirondack State Park has finally dropped below flood stage and has become fishable. The snow pack this year combined with generous amounts of rainfall has resulted in the flooding of many streams and river in the Adirondacks. During the floods we sought refuge on the lakes and ponds fly-fishing for Native Adirondack Brook Trout. Now, it is time to get out on the river and enjoy excellent fly-fishing for Brown Trout.

Until the river temperatures rise, the most effective methods will be fishing streamers and nymphs. Streamer patterns such as Woolly Buggers (Sizes 10-6), Zoo Cougars (Size 4), and Sparkle Minnows (Size 2) have been effective lately. Nymph patterns such as Pats Rubber Legs (Size 10), Pheasant Tail Nymph (Size 14), Lance Egan's Frenchie (Size 14), and Jumbo John (Size 10) will fish well throughout the spring. Good luck on the water!
- Andrew